PYV's 30th Birthday Celebration (18+ only)

Join us to celebrate PYV's 30th Birthday at Scots' Church in the Robert White Hall (above the assembly hall). We will have finger food, drinks, speeches from a variety of people about the ministry over the last 30 years and many great conversations! Please RSVP by completing the registration form below.

When Starts at: 6:30pm, Saturday July 26th (2025)
Where Robert White Hall (Scots' Church Melbourne CBD above the Assembly Hall)
Who Any past PYV leaders, campers & supporteers (18+ years of age)
Topic Looking back over 30 years of youth minsitry in the PCV
Cost $20 (includes food & drink)
Registration Open until the 1st of July or until sold out

Please note that your registration will not be complete until you have received a copy of the form as confirmation that it was submitted. Contact us at if you have any problems registering.


Payment should be made after filling in the registration form by either Direct transfer into the PCV account below or via PayPal below

Presbyterian Church of Victoria
BSB: 083-004
Account Number: 015016531
Description: "PYV's 30th Birthday Alumni Event"
Adult registration(18+)
We take child safety at our camps and events seriously. We work within the guidelines outlined by the Safe Church Unit of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria to ensure all leaders are properly qualified to work with youth and our events are positive experiences for attending youth.